Above: New York’s financial establishment
might need to re-evaluate itself if the bailout is to work (photographed
by Hu Totya, licensed under the GNU
Free Documentation Licence, version 1·2)
Save Detroit—now
With Detroit’s dire financial state now publicly
revealed, Jack Yan follows up his earlier paper with a discussion
on how the Big Three can be saved
Starting the axis
of good
By viewing al-Qaeda as a brand, it doesn�t seem
as daunting�and that its communication techniques can equally be
used for good, writes Jack Yan
Well Beyond Branding Beyond Branding is more than a book: it is
a real call for change in the way business is conducted. That change
does not start with branding departments, but with you as an individual,
says Malcolm Allan
Saving Detroit, by
not making the same old mistakes Jack Yan looks at how Detroit’s Big
Three might be saved, and warns against the usual quarterly result-driven
methods. It’s not about culling brands, either
The new Jag generation
(really) Jack Yan analyses the design of the new Jaguar
XF, the second sign of the company�s renaissance
Is your brand
going to graduate or be stuck in adolescence?
Too often, the brand is considered in isolation.
Joseph Benson and Bret Kinsella argue for a more holistic
approach to brand development, and include the consequences of branding
as part of that
and business: the next movement?
Spirituality and business might seem odd bedfellows
at first glance, but is that because we view the latter as
corrupt and materialistic? If we believe in the goodness that commerce
can do, we should be able to accept and promote what might be one
of its roots as the next big step in strategy. Jack Yan’s
paper, delivered in Amsterdam on January 17, is reproduced here
Branding: How the New Values of Transparency and Integrity Are Changing
the World of Brands, edited by Nicholas Ind
One of the most important books written about branding,
Beyond Branding has authors reading much like a who’s who
of branding—Malcolm Allan, Simon Anholt, Julie Anixter, John Caswell,
Thomas Gad, Sicco van Gelder, Tim Kitchin, Chris Macrae, Denzil Meyers,
Alan Mitchell, John Moore, Ian Ryder and Jack Yan—and led by seasoned
branding consultant and author Nicholas Ind.
The authors propose that branding could be used as a
tool for good, approaching economic democracy from a different angle.
It could be, for instance, a tool that would reveal the truth about organizations.
Thirteen chapters in Beyond Branding include topics on authenticity,
transparency and sustainability�but not delivered to make the book a trendy,
mid-2000s purchase. Its aim is to identify these issues and give readers
a choice. Order
it from Amazon.co.uk.
Buy from Amazon.com
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